Posted on 6 July 2010 by
Three months in, at the end of June, the project team met for a second time, again at the Bodleian Map Library in Oxford. With the recent humid weather the Gough Map is currently down in the basement of the building, and that’s where we all gathered too, to talk about the progress Elizabeth has been making on unravelling the map’s palaeography, and to discuss the next stage of the work. The new digital imagery is proving to be a boon for us, as well as for those wanting to access the map online. One of the issues it has raised, however, is its compatibility with the digitized map-layers generated from an earlier scan – and so the Queen’s team has a plan to experiment with our GIS data to see if it can be matched closely with the new scan. Meanwhile, having now worked her way through all the writing on the map, Elizabeth is ready to start looking in more detail at the spellings of place-names. The CCH team is also going to have a busy summer working on the web-resource architecture and design. So lots happening! As always, we’ll post any news via the blog.